S.T.E.A.M. Fair

Testable Question

Before you get started with your experiment(s), you must come up with a testable question. Your testable question should be something you are interested or curious about related to science, technology, engineering, art and/or math. (S.T.E.A.M.)

It should be in the form: How does (changing, altering) affect how...

Example (Scientific)
How does changing the amount of vinegar affect how large the balloon will blow up?

Example (Engineering)
What material (wood/plastic/paper) boat is able to sustain the most weight of pennies in a pool of water?




An “If… then…because” statement in a hypothesis tells the readers what you believe will happen in an investigation when something is changed, so you can see the effect of the change.
  • IF…tells the readers what will be changed.  This is the manipulated (independent)variable in the investigation. 
  • THEN… tells the reader what will happen because of the change (manipulated variable) described in the If… statement.  This is the responding (dependent)variable in the investigation.
  • BECAUSE… tells the reader how you know this will occur.  It should be based on something you have experienced, or perhaps something you infer.

  • If 7th graders and 8th graders complete the same math problems, then the 8thgraders will have more answers correct, because they have studied math for one year longer than the 7th graders.
  • If dry bread and moist bread are left in bags for two weeks, then the moist bread will grow mold more quickly than the dry bread, because mold is a living organism, and organisms need water to survive.
  • If some students eat breakfast before school and others do not, then the ones who do eat breakfast will have better grades in their morning classes, because their brains have more energy to think.

Now, let’s try this together.  To warm up, identify the three types of variables below.  Then use the variables to make a good hypothesis.
  1. Melissa raises crickets at her pet store that she sells for reptile food.  She thinks that crickets chirp more often when the temperature gets warmer.  She decides to conduct an experiment to prove her theory.
    1. Manipulated variable ______________________________________
    2. Responding variable _______________________________________
    3. Controlled variable ________________________________________
    4. Controlled variable ________________________________________

Hypothesis If _____________________________________(manipulated variable) then_______________________________________________ (responding variable),because_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________."

The above content was found on the link below. If you would like to try creating more hypothesizes, click the link below.

We create hypothesis to help answer a question that we have. The general format of a hypothesis is as follows: 

"If _____[I do this] _____, then _____[this]_____ will happen."

Learn more about hypothesis and how to create them by clicking on the link below.
How to create a hypothesis.

Developing Hypothesis and Research Questions 

If you would like more examples of hypothesizes then click the link below.
Examples of Hypothesis

Project Ideas for S.T.E.A.M. Fair

All Science Fair Projects

California State Science Fair: Getting Started with Your Project (This website lists other websites you can use for the STEAM Fair.)

Design Squad Nation (Engineering Projects)

Engineering Science Fair Projects


List of Science Fair Project Ideas

Math and Science -- Experiments and Science Fair Projects 26 resources

Science Buddies (Project Ideas)

Science Project Ideas

Super Science Fair Projects Ideas, Topics & Experiments

Zoom Science (Project Ideas)

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